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If you have done your own research on QR Codes since the first article, you have found that they are incredibly versatile and a perfect marketing tool for bingo halls. But, to get the most out of them, your players need to understand them and be motivated to use them. This article we will focus on getting your players familiar with QR codes and how to make the codes work well in your hall. Since the first article, it has been discovered that quite a bit of work does need to be done to get players familiar with the codes and get them setup to use them. Most are not familiar with the term ‘QR Codes’ but some do recognize them as ‘Square Barcodes’. From a marketing standpoint, you can name them what you like, such as XYZ Mobile Codes (‘XYZ’ being the name of your hall). Most younger players have the hardware, they just need the software which is easily downloaded from their app store. Strategically placed, eye catching posters and instructional flyers, will quickly make players aware, and get them prepared, for scanning your codes. Educate them on how scanning your QR Codes can benefit them. But before doing that, train your employees about the codes so they can assist players with questions or help resolve any problems that come up. An important objective of the initial introduction, is to be sure that every players initial experience with your codes is a positive one. With the wide variety of mobile devices and the wide variety of scanner software available, there are bound to be players with technical issues. Be prepared to help resolve those issues quickly so they do not develop into a frustrating experience for the players.

To successfully ‘train’ your players to scan your codes, first impressions are important. You want to develop a reputation that your codes offer exclusivity, high value and a fun experience. You want your players to be looking for them and happy when they come across one because they know it is going to be worthwhile to scan them. That doesn’t mean each code has to bust your budget, but you do want to use them creatively, offer exclusive value and an experience that the player can only find scanning the codes. Be sure to have a large QR code, or 2, on your introduction poster as an example, and a mention that the instruction sheet is available for how and where to find an appropriate scanning app for their particular phone and maybe what to expect when scanning your codes. One of the codes could link players directly to your realtime jackpot page which they can save as a favorite and now have easy access to on their mobile device. Another could bring your monthly specials, or a very attractive exclusive offer, to their phones.

Again, be sure their first experience scanning the codes is a very positive one. The possibilities are unlimited. Be creative and encourage employees to promote the codes and provide enthusiastic support.

Here’s one idea. To get players familiar with scanning the codes and getting them motivated to want to scan them, play a scavenger hunt game where you place codes (8 ½ x 11 size), throughout your hall. Each code will reveal a message, which could be anything, including promotional messages about different aspects of your hall. Players can play themselves, or as a team. Make sure 1 or 2 members have a scanner. Another option is to make the codes small, and hidden, including a clue in each message as to the location of the next code. Players then present all the message to a designated employee who hands them a throwaway for a special game that you can play pre or post session and offer a special prize of your choice. ‘The bigger is always better’ applies here. The prize is the motivation in this case, while the codes are introducing a new dimension to your hall and your players experience. It can be promoted as... ‘Hunt, Scan and Play to WIN!!’...or something better. Consider placing codes on your website requiring players to bring in all the messages for entry in a special drawing. Again, the possibilities are unlimited. The more code games you provide for your players, the more comfortable they will become with scanning them, and the more you can do with them. Here’s a couple bonus ideas:

Consider placing large codes on the back of your branded t-shirts that lead potential players to a compelling message that raisers their interest in checking out your hall. To get employees involved, place QR codes on your employee posters and pocket cards that make your employee handbook and mission statements available on their mobile device. Be aware, that in most cases, it will take some effort to get your mobile code program off and running. But we think the rewards are worth it. It will required a certain amount of customer interaction which should be viewed as a good thing and an opportunity to build player loyalty. In addition to the marketing benefits, you and your hall will get an image boost, being viewed as a leader in bringing the next big thing to your players and as a hall management that is always on the lookout for ways to enhance their player experience.


Budget Friendly


Code Wall



8 ½” X 11”


6” x 9 1/2”

Here is a promotional item that will not only fill the seats during giveaway day(s) but also keep players coming back all year


Keep them well informed so they don’t miss a thing!

We have designed these calendars to be affordable, cost effective, and with a reduced minimum of just 250!

Visit the website For All the Details.